Bioidentical Hormone
Replacement Therapy
The hormones in your body communicate with one another to facilitate your everyday bodily functions, including sleep, mood, digestion, and libido. When hormone levels in the body are in flux, it can significantly impact your health and well-being. People turn to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to provide the body with the hormones it needs.
Age Management Medicine is a proactive, preventative approach to healthcare for an aging population focused on the preservation of optimum function and quality of life making every effort to ease the process of aging prior to the onset of disease and disability. The basic tenets of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) are patient evaluation through extensive medical history, lifestyle assessment, physical evaluation, and laboratory evaluation.
What are bioidentical hormones used to treat?
Age Management
Weight Management
Anxiety & Depression
Sexual Dysfunction
Low Libido
Mood & Cognitive Function
Fatigue & Insomnia
Hot Flashes & Night Sweats
benefits for women
Hormone replacement therapy has long been used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. However, this therapy can be used to not just relieve symptoms but to get the most out of every day. Some of the areas that can improve include:
Increased bone density, muscle tone, balance, and mobility
Better fat metabolism, lower cholesterol, more control over blood sugar
Improved sleep and mood
Better intimacy
Fewer aches and pains from normal aging
Thicker hair and improved skin hydration
Memory preservation and improved concentration
Age is just a number. Just because hormone levels drop as the years roll on doesn't mean you have to give up your lifestyle or vitality. Through male hormone replacement, we can take you from average to optimal which means you can feel strong and alive.
Common improvements men notice after starting therapy:
More energy
Faster recovery after exercise
Better sexual performance and satisfaction
More restful sleep
Less irritability and depression
Stronger bones and muscles
How do I get started?
Text or call 801-572-3750 to schedule your intake visit with our Patient Care Coordinator, Amberly Brinkerhoff.
“Our goal is to help you feel full of life and have the energy to enjoy the life you’ve worked to create.”
How do I get started?
Text or call 801-572-3750 to schedule your intake visit with our Patient Care Coordinator, Amberly Brinkerhoff.
*ANNUAL program cost: $2000
$500- Initial consultation
Intake visit
Review of initial labs
Appointment with medical provider
$1500- Remainder to cover all appointments for the year.
Pay in full for 10% discount or $125 per month for 12 months
*After the first year the majority of our patients only need to be seen twice a year to renew prescriptions and check labs annually. These appointments are $125/each.